Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 9, 2014

Every number a Vietnamese tech founder should know (INFOGRAPHIC)

From what we understand, Vietnamese entrepreneurs need a lot of help understanding their potential markets before talking to investors and assessing their user-bases. To shed some light, we’ve teamed up with BTIC to make an infographic showing where Vietnam’s potential lies for web and tech startups. Vietnam-based BTIC will launch an accelerator program in the summer and is an investor in local startups. It is also closely tied to Nam Do, who co-founded SeeSpace and Emotiv, hardware startups now based in Silicon Valley. For the infographic, we grabbed data from ComScore,, Vietnam’s White Book, and GroupM (all of which can be found on our data series tag) and assembled it together into a useful overview for Vietnamese tech founders. Some of the infographic’s highlights include: Vietnam has 36,140,967 internet users – that makes it larger than Thailand. More than 20 million Facebook users. 71 percent of the population is unbanked – which is a challenge for e-commerce businesses. Size of Vietnam’s B2C e-commerce market in 2010: $450 million in revenue In 2013, the average daily time Vietnamese people spent on TV versus the internet was very close, and so it’s safe to say the internet will surpass TV in 2014.

For more fun graphics like this one, check out previous entries in our infographic series. (Editing by Steven Millward)

Read more: Every number a Vietnamese tech founder should know (INFOGRAPHIC)


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